My name is Ali Mollahosseini. I am a M.Sc. student at University of Tehran Computer Engineering - Artifitial Intelligence and Robotics. I am furtunate to be advised by Reshad Hosseini and Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh and Lee Wee Sun. Throughout my graduate study, I spent six months as an RA at National Univerisity of Singapore under supervision of Lee Wee Sun.
My research focuses on Applying Graph Nueral Networks on molecular application. Also, I am working on leverage power of LLMs to better understand molecular properties.
Before joining University of Tehran, I recieved my Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Isfahan Univerisity of Technology advised by Mohammad Hossein Manshaei in 2023.
A centrality based genetic algorithm for the graph burning problem
Mahdi Nazeri, Ali Mollahosseini, Iman Izadi
Applied Soft Computing, Volume 144, 2023
Full Resume in PDF.